About Us
No 800 #'s
No web chats
No bots

We’re real people
Of course you can order online, any time, that’s a must. But you can also call, email, or request a meeting to review your project and expect a prompt response.
We have friendly representatives in Illinois, Colorado, and Arizona who’d love to help locally and who will travel to surrounding states.
We’re real people
Of course you can order online, any time, that’s a must. But you can also call, email, or request a meeting to review your project and expect a prompt response.
We have friendly representatives in Illinois, Colorado, and Arizona who’d love to help locally and who will travel to surrounding states.
Joseph Fisher,
the owner of Positive Impressions
is actually a 4th generation printer. His great grandfather worked for the Chicago Tribune when newspapers were all the rage, his grandfather supported seven children working as a pressman on a six color Heidelberg press, his father worked for “Gramps”, then founded and retired from a printing company of his own.
Joe has been leading the next generation in the ever-changing world of print since he started Positive Impressions in 2010. Joe has swept and organized the shipping docks, run bindery machines, folded t-shirts, organized excel files for drop shipments going from Illinois to Asia, built online stores, led and helped with sales meetings, managed different departments and teams, and still, his favorite aspect about the industry is working with and befriending people.
…the 5th generation?
Positive Impressions staff
Chicago (HQ)
Contact Us
Phone: 630-352-3075
Email: helpdesk@positiveimpressionsinc.com
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